Thursday, 29 September 2016


What do these abbreviations mean? Discuss with your classmate:


In this session, you'll be asked to:

Write about a postgraduate course that you would consider taking in the future (220 words)
- Reasons to do the course
- Subject(s) you would like to study
- Where you would like to study (Chile or abroad)
- How you would like to study (distance learning, blended system, part-time course, etc)
- Any other relevant ideas


Studying has always been something I've enjoyed, because in my opinion, one of the most important things in life is acquiring knowledge in order to be able to foster more knowledge afterwards. 

Even though currently a postgraduate degree is impossible in my life (time and money constraints mainly), if I could magically study whatever I wanted wherever I wanted, I'd definitely do a Phd at the University of Edinburgh. This is mainly because there are plenty of issues that I'd like to study at a greater depth in my area of studies. Discourse analysis is one area that I'd be particularly interested in pursuing, hopefully related to the language of evaluation or 'appraisal', which is a relatively new approach that originated from Systemic Functional Linguistics. I believe that gaining greater insight in the way that texts construe speakers' or writers' personae (attitudinal colouring in language) can contribute to better comprehend how language works at an interactional, cohesive, and pragmatic level. I'd love to have the chance to do this full-time., so as to be able to conduct well-developed research. A Phd in this area would be a blessing for me because I’m constantly thinking of the kind of phenomena I’d like to observe if I had the chance to; but given that I have very little spare time, I don’t see this happening in the near future…but dreaming is no sin! 

Word count 220


  1. woa sounds very interesting, the art of reading it's your thing, I hope life conspires to make it happen.
