Thursday, 8 September 2016

Session 4: Themed post: A story.

Writing a story             

In this post, you’ll be able to choose a line or title to develop a story. You can choose any of the ones detailed further down.

When you develop your story, first consider:
  • You may need to write in either the first person (I …) or the third person (he/she …).
  •  Write about the topic or title given  in a spontaneous manner--don’t include material you have prepared in advance.
  •  Make sure you write around 180 words. You may lose marks if your answer istoo short.
  •  Leave enough time to read your answer carefully. Check for verb tenses, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation. Ask yourself: ‘Does it clearly communicate the message?’ You'll also need time to post my sample and 3 of classmates' stories, so work carefully.

-Some useful optional phrases:
Starting a story:
I (he, she, they) will never forget the time/day when….
From the very start, I (he, she, they) knew…
One day, I (he, she, they were) was walking along the street when…
Finishing a story:
After everything that happened, I (he, she, they)
It had been the most amazing day.
In the end, everything/everybody was…

Try to make your story more interesting by including adjectives and adverbs.

Titles/Lines: Choose one of these:
·         The wrong address
·         It was the first day of summer holiday
·         I was surprised when I opened the door
·         The best day of my life
·         The dream
·         He opened his eyes and wasn’t sure where he was

In your story you should include:

  1. Who is involved in it
  2. What he/she/ they did
  3. Where the story took place, where the people went
  4. How your story ends

Remember the word count is 180. You have to post here and in 3 of classmates’ stories, so plan your writing time wisely ;)
You cannot use a translator, ask me or check

Sample story
The dream

One day, Gin was walking across the park after school in the small town of Ur. Suddenly, she heard a crackling noise coming from some dark, dense bushes. When she approached, she smelled a fragrant, sweet and somewhat heavy scent which she at first couldn’t distinguish. Once she got close enough, she saw a little person sitting on a rock that looked like a short, little girl but by her face she know she was an adult, tiny but well-proportioned. Her skin had a soft bluish hue and she was wearing a a scarf around her cheeks and head and a tall hat, all in blue.

As Gin approached the creature looked at her, smiling and without speaking, she offered her a sip of a brownish, thick, sweet-scented beverage. Though Gin knew she wasn’t supposed to accept things from strangers, the drink seemed too tempting to refuse, so she drank a bit. The little woman seemed very pleased and her face beamed with blue hues.
-Welcome to the dream world- she said- You’ve chosen to stay here, with us.

As Gin vanished into ashes, she distantly remembered having heard that you should never accept food nor drink from fairies. [199 words]


  1. Wow! At the beginning I thought it was a good creature but by the end of the story I thought it was an evil witch!

  2. I was really scared by reading this, fairies are very weird creatures...

  3. This is a very psychedelic story. I'll never eat things of fairies.
