Thursday, 29 September 2016


What do these abbreviations mean? Discuss with your classmate:


In this session, you'll be asked to:

Write about a postgraduate course that you would consider taking in the future (220 words)
- Reasons to do the course
- Subject(s) you would like to study
- Where you would like to study (Chile or abroad)
- How you would like to study (distance learning, blended system, part-time course, etc)
- Any other relevant ideas


Studying has always been something I've enjoyed, because in my opinion, one of the most important things in life is acquiring knowledge in order to be able to foster more knowledge afterwards. 

Even though currently a postgraduate degree is impossible in my life (time and money constraints mainly), if I could magically study whatever I wanted wherever I wanted, I'd definitely do a Phd at the University of Edinburgh. This is mainly because there are plenty of issues that I'd like to study at a greater depth in my area of studies. Discourse analysis is one area that I'd be particularly interested in pursuing, hopefully related to the language of evaluation or 'appraisal', which is a relatively new approach that originated from Systemic Functional Linguistics. I believe that gaining greater insight in the way that texts construe speakers' or writers' personae (attitudinal colouring in language) can contribute to better comprehend how language works at an interactional, cohesive, and pragmatic level. I'd love to have the chance to do this full-time., so as to be able to conduct well-developed research. A Phd in this area would be a blessing for me because I’m constantly thinking of the kind of phenomena I’d like to observe if I had the chance to; but given that I have very little spare time, I don’t see this happening in the near future…but dreaming is no sin! 

Word count 220

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Session 5: Future jobs

Session 5

Look at the following people's profiles and possible jobs. Which is the most suitable option for each? Check with a classmate. Then, discuss if any of those options would suit you and why/why not.

So, as you can see, in this session we'll discuss jobs.

Look at the ideas and phrase used in the sample below:

I'd like to have a job in which I can do a lot of research. I imagine being able of spending afternoons going through all the texts and articles I've found over the years about interesting topics that currently I'm not able to read because I have too little time. Though many people may think that doing research is stressful or boring, for me it would be the ideal job, because it involves observing, analysing and drawing conclusions, and I enjoy doing all those (boring? XD) things. The ideal place for doing this would be a library, but I can work anywhere that is quiet and that has a comfortable,big desk to lay all the books and materials around! (cat space required too, please!) However, it could also be outdoors if it is for example in a quiet park or something similar. The problem there would be that I'd possibly need internet maybe indoors is a better choice. Also, tea is best drunk inside, isn't it?

Travelling wouldn't be part of the picture, unless we're talking about holidays and this is about a job! hehehe...But seriously, in my case, as I've already majored in English Linguistics, if I travelled it would have to be to continue perfecting in my area, to do a Phd, which could be in something related to Discourse Analysis or Pragmatics, because these are the areas of language that I've devoted myself the most.
(225 words)

Do you think there might be a place in the world where I can get paid for studying and doing research on what I like the most? XD

Now it's your turn: Write a text following the questions below. Use connectors and a variety of tenses, and in case you have doubts ask me or check a reliable dictionary or website ( do not trust the translator!!)

My Future Job 

- What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it?
- In an office?
- Outdoors /indoors?
- Would you like to travel a lot in your job?
- What major are you studying / are you thinking of taking?    Explain why
- Add any other related ideas.

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts and in mine as well

- Word Count: 210 words

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Session 4: Themed post: A story.

Writing a story             

In this post, you’ll be able to choose a line or title to develop a story. You can choose any of the ones detailed further down.

When you develop your story, first consider:
  • You may need to write in either the first person (I …) or the third person (he/she …).
  •  Write about the topic or title given  in a spontaneous manner--don’t include material you have prepared in advance.
  •  Make sure you write around 180 words. You may lose marks if your answer istoo short.
  •  Leave enough time to read your answer carefully. Check for verb tenses, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation. Ask yourself: ‘Does it clearly communicate the message?’ You'll also need time to post my sample and 3 of classmates' stories, so work carefully.

-Some useful optional phrases:
Starting a story:
I (he, she, they) will never forget the time/day when….
From the very start, I (he, she, they) knew…
One day, I (he, she, they were) was walking along the street when…
Finishing a story:
After everything that happened, I (he, she, they)
It had been the most amazing day.
In the end, everything/everybody was…

Try to make your story more interesting by including adjectives and adverbs.

Titles/Lines: Choose one of these:
·         The wrong address
·         It was the first day of summer holiday
·         I was surprised when I opened the door
·         The best day of my life
·         The dream
·         He opened his eyes and wasn’t sure where he was

In your story you should include:

  1. Who is involved in it
  2. What he/she/ they did
  3. Where the story took place, where the people went
  4. How your story ends

Remember the word count is 180. You have to post here and in 3 of classmates’ stories, so plan your writing time wisely ;)
You cannot use a translator, ask me or check

Sample story
The dream

One day, Gin was walking across the park after school in the small town of Ur. Suddenly, she heard a crackling noise coming from some dark, dense bushes. When she approached, she smelled a fragrant, sweet and somewhat heavy scent which she at first couldn’t distinguish. Once she got close enough, she saw a little person sitting on a rock that looked like a short, little girl but by her face she know she was an adult, tiny but well-proportioned. Her skin had a soft bluish hue and she was wearing a a scarf around her cheeks and head and a tall hat, all in blue.

As Gin approached the creature looked at her, smiling and without speaking, she offered her a sip of a brownish, thick, sweet-scented beverage. Though Gin knew she wasn’t supposed to accept things from strangers, the drink seemed too tempting to refuse, so she drank a bit. The little woman seemed very pleased and her face beamed with blue hues.
-Welcome to the dream world- she said- You’ve chosen to stay here, with us.

As Gin vanished into ashes, she distantly remembered having heard that you should never accept food nor drink from fairies. [199 words]