Thursday, 27 October 2016

Session 10: Extra Themed Topic: Why are we here?

Read and comment the comic strip with your classmate.
In this session, you've chosen to talk about why you are here.
In your text, include:
- Other options you considered before entering Uni 
- How, when and why you decided you would study this programme
-  What you are able to do with what you've learned and what you expect to be able to do when you get your degree 
- Any other information you consider to be relevant.

Tips: Always do some quick pre-writing, even if it's just a brief brainstorming, mind or spider map, listing or freewriting.
           Use connectors between paragraphs to ensure cohesion.
           Use a variety of lexical choices to show you're able to share your ideas in detail.
Word count : 260 words

Before studying in Filosofía & Humanidades (henceforth F&H) I was part of the Anthropology pregraduate programme in Ciencias Sociales Faculty for one semester. I wasn't really sure what to do when I left school, so I took a year off to decide and then I ended up in the Anthropology programme. I didn't really feel at ease there, the discipline felt too distant for me and eventually I realised I had to drop out. I took the rest of the year to prepare my self to take the Chilean version of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and then I entered F&H. The main reason why I chose my study programme was because I liked the idea of learning about language and I've always enjoyed reading. In addition, English had always been a motivating area to explore and that I learned with ease.

After finishing the pregraduate programme I felt it was necessary for me to learn more about several aspects of my field, so I decided to do the MA. It took me longer than I had expected because I started working at the same time as I was studying, so at the beginnig it was a very difficult thing to manage. Eventually I was able to finish my thesis project and I graduated in 2011. As a result, I feel I have been able to gain insight on different phenomena related to human sciences, such as intended meaning in language, discourse construction, foreign language acquisition, literary English expressions and plenty of other related areas.

I've worked in the educational field for almost 10 year now, always at College or University Level. I think I've never stopped learning, I'm in a constant search for knowledge and although I don't have much time (I'm currently woking in 4 different places in many different areas, such as commnicative English courses, Applied Linguistics, Applied Phonetics, Literature in English, Writing courses, supervising thesis projects...) I've never stopped being curious and aware that there's always something new to be learned.
For the future I'd really like to be able to have some time to do research and start publishing some of the research projects I've developed in these years. Hope I'll be able to do this next year.
 (Word Count: 373)

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Session 9: Changes to your study programme

 Watch the following clip and discuss with a classmate.
In what ways does this clip relate to what your programme is about? Compare and contrast.

In this session, you'll develop your ideas regarding your study programme and possible changes you'd constructively suggest to it.
Among others, think about:

> What your programme is (your degree), and what it involves (skills, abilities, etc)
 The curriculum (the subjects you have to study)
> Workload and length of studies
> Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)
> Use of technology
> Teaching methods
Also add a piece of advice for someone who would like to study your programme.

- Word Count: 250
- Leave comments on my sample and on your classmates’ posts.


I'm BA in English Literature and Linguistics. I've also got an MA in English Linguisitcs. These areas involve being able to pay attention to detail (sounds, language features), rigour and critical thought.
Among some of the subjects I had to study I would highlight Morphosyntax, Linguistic schools of though of the XX century, English and American Literature, Phonetics and Phonology, Text Grammar and Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. I learned plenty from all of these subjects. The workload was quite heavy, there were tons and tons of texts to read and summarise, so I made a habit of studying every day, but never right before a test, in order to let knowledge set properly.
My Faculty was Filosofía & Humanidades, and I really loved the campus (Juan Gómez Millas) because it has lots of trees and open areas. Although our classrooms and study spaces were very humble, I think they provided all that was necessary for me to feel at home and able to sit down and study in peace and quiet. Similarly, technological equipment back then was scarce; actually, there were very few computers available back then, so we had to learn to rely on our own class notes and study summaries rather than on a technological device or network. 
The teaching methods were very straightforward and constructive; teachers would present the material and guide you to access the contents, but they always stressed the importance of autonomous learning and being able to accept criticism (and even failure) in the light of realising that we had to give 200% in order to become our best selves.
The only thing that I would have changed probably was the library. Even though I loved our library, several times I had to go to another campus or even to another university to find specific texts that were key to our discipline. Everything else I think worked just perfectly. (Wordcount:316)

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Session 8: Summer Holidays!

With your classmate, read the signs and compare ideas as to which of these holidays you would prefer.

As you might have guessed, this blog’s topic is again related to holidays;  summer holidays!
Can you remember the last time you went on holiday during the summer? Ask your friend 4 questions related to this topic.

Now you’ll start writing. Think about your last summer holiday. You have  to include:

-Where you went and Who was there ( provide a brief description)
- Where you stayed and a short description of the place.
 - Descriptions related to your senses:  Smells,tastes, sensations of touch, sounds like voices, chants, etc.,  Colors,  and shapes
- If the experience was different from what you expected and why; if it was what you expected, describe it.
- What your favourite part of the holidays was and why, and what you would like to do next summer.
Tips:  When you need to write longer texts, it’s always best to start with a short pre-writing exercise.

You can use the ‘spider’ map on your copy book first, to decide what you’ll write about first, the most important characteristics about each element you want to include, vocabulary you’d like to use, and how your piece will end.

Use these diagrammes to organise your ideas. List some of the words and connectors you’d like to include ( you can add the connectors in the 'other' column)

After you do your pre-writing, check the sample below and write your own text. Pay attention to the words and expressions in bold or that have been underlined.
Remember you should post here and in your classmates' blogs.


Last summer,  I went to El Canelo, a tiny beach located in Algarrobo. It's small but extremely beautiful and colourful. It was February, so the weather was warm and sunny. Given that my parents have been living there for almost 4 years, I stayed in their house for a few days.
One thing that has always called my attention is the way the air feels in El Canelo; it has a distinctive, sort of minty and cool scent, which feels  a bit cold (and salty!) and yet pleasant. Silence is  also something very unique about this area; you can only hear a few people in the afternoon as they walk towards the beach, but mostly, you can hear birds chirping and tree leaves in the wind…very peaceful!
In the mornings we did some gardening and read a bit, then my dad cooked something special and tasty, and then we talked about our lives and shared memories at the dinner table  (very Chilean custom!). I really enjoyed walking down a small forest near the beach, because in the summer the colours and hues of flowers, bushes and waves of course are very intense and vivid. However, I have to say that my favourite part was spending time and talking to my parents, because I seldom see them and I miss them a lot.
I’d have to say that everything was just as I expected; I was able to unwind and spend time with my loved ones. I surely hope I am able to do the same next summer, though I’d definitely like to have more time!

Word count: 265

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Session 7: Themed Post: Opinions

What do you think this quote means? Do you agree with it? Discuss with a classmate.

In this session we'll practise how to write an opinion essay.
One possible structure is as follows:

- Open your essay with an interesting or surprising fact, or a quote, or a rhetorical question. This is called a 'hook sentence', and it intends to catch your readers' attention so that they want to know your opinion.
- Present your point of view in the first two lines of the next paragraph. That way the reader will identify what you believe immediately.
- Provide examples, hypothetical situations, logic and /or facts to support your position.
- Avoid overgeneralisations because these will weaken your reasons. Instead of saying: everybody, everyone, people, etc, say most people, the majority of, some men/women/teenagers/ etc.
- Use a variety of tenses and vocabulary. Use synonyms for words like 'good' or 'bad'
-Use connectors. (however, then, next, in addition, etc)
- Finish with a short conclusion that restates your opinion and does not offer new information.

Now it's your turn:
Choose one of the following quotes:

INSTRUCTIONS: Write an opinion essay using the quote you chose. You should:

- Write a hook sentence
- Say what your opinion about the topic you chose
- Give reasons and examples to support your viewpoint
- Conclude the essay by paraphrasing your own opinion.
Word count: 230
Comment on this entry and in one of your classmate's. This must be done during the lab time.
Look at the sample below. Some useful expressions and words have been highlighted to help you.

Most of us like to think our friends are honest with us, but is complete honesty really such a good idea?
Most people would agree that there are times when honesty is important. However, you need to learn to differentiate when telling the truth will cause a positive or a negative effect on your friend. For instance, when a friend asks you for advice on their love life, their family life or their choice of career, even though telling them the truth may hurt the person’s feelings,  it will problably be more benefitial in the long run, because your friend will be able to realise what is best for him or her. Furthermore, a friend can help someone become a more responsible and sensible individual by being honest about their faults and problems.
Nevertheless, it can also happen that sometimes honesty is not the most recommendable path to take. For example, if someone says that they don’t like a friend’s new clothes, they’re hurting their friend’s feelings for no reason  but just because their own taste is not the same as theirs. Moreover, when they hear other people criticising their friend, they shouldn’t always tell their friend what has been said. People don’t always mean what they say; in fact, some people say what they say because they are mean; they may simply be jealous or upset or too self-centred.
In conclusion, though I agree that in most circumstances (especially serious or important ones) a friend should be honest, there may also be plenty of situations in which it can be better to think before you speak in order to avoid causing harm.